The Captain and his crew.
Ponce de Leon discovered these islands in 1513, calling them Las Tortugas, meaning “the turtles” for the great number of turtles found here. The later name Dry Tortugas, was meant to advise seafarers that the islands contain no fresh water. Around 1845, the United States began construction on Fort Jefferson to control navigation into the Gulf of Mexico and protect Atlantic-bound Mississippi trade. The construction lasted over 20 years and is one of the largest brick forts constructed, with over 4 million bricks hauled in.

One of the most famous people connected to the fort/prison is Dr. Samuel Mudd, who was convicted of aiding or treating John Wilkes Booth’s broken leg. But later, I understand, he was pardoned. We toured the Fort, finding amazing examples of old canons and other equipment used during that time period. We highly recommend you visit either by sailboat or by taking the high speed ferry from Key West every day.
We were glad the weather permitted digging out our t-shirts and shorts. We spent part of the afternoon cleaning the boat then Ken and I took the dinghy to Loggerhead Key, about 3 miles north of Fort Jefferson. There is a huge lighthouse on the Cay and a pristine, secluded beach that we enjoyed. Getting there was easy but on the way back, the wind increased causing a two foot chop and making the trip back to Little Wing a “wet ride.” It took an hour to get back. Since we hadn’t eaten very well for a few days, I grilled chicken breast, heated a can of baked beans, prepared wild rice, and grilled French bread.
During the night the wind blew over 20 knots, causing the anchor line to creak and strain. I decided we needed to start an “anchor watch” at midnight, with everyone taking an hour watch. The anchor held and the captain slept!
Because it was 70 plus miles to Key West, we felt it necessary to leave at first light. Dressed in foul weather gear for the long slog to windward, which means the wind was from the east, made for a long day. We picked our way through the shoals and coral heads to deeper water and set a course to Key West. The middle of the day, we passed the Marquesas Keys, where Mel Fisher found The Atocha ship, the largest treasure ever found on a sunken Spanish Galleon. At first sight, we saw large cruise ships docked in Key West. Once we were in phone range, we called to secure a slip in Key West Bight at City Marina. Motoring into Key West around 6:00 pm, at sunset affords you the opportunity to meet beautiful old schooners going out for their sunset cruise. You also pass huge cruise liners making their way out of the area.
As we entered the boat slip, several guys on dockside helped us get the boat into the slip and tie up. It’s always a “small world.” After talking with the guys, we found out they knew a guy at Sailboat Bay. Ken knew him and called him on the phone so they could chat. We cleaned the boat from all the salt spray, showered and headed out to dinner at Half-Shell Raw Bar. After walking through the marinas in the area, we turned in early.
On Tuesday, Charley got up early to run around Key West, as this was his first visit. The guys went for breakfast while I did my laundry. We all scattered for the morning and agreed to meet at Sloppy Joe’s Bar for lunch. I went to the Customs and Immigration Office to check on requirements to preregister us for our return into the US after our stay in the Bahamas. I finally found the “official building” were a gentleman stood guard at the door wearing a dark suit and dark sunglasses. At the door a large sign read, “no cell phones allowed. “ I asked if I should take my cell phone back to the boat, but he suggested I turn it off and hide it in the bushes. I wonder how many times he has given that response. I questioned this action, but I assumed he would keep a look out for it, and I sure did not want to dispute his suggestion! After entering the building, I had to empty all my pockets and state my business. After going through the metal detector, I was allowed to enter the empty customs office, waiting at least five minutes for a very large officer appearing at the window asking what I wanted. (They really know how to intimidate a guy!) I filled out the necessary paperwork and informed him of our intentions; he then took our passports and disappeared for 15 minutes. All I received from this “official visit” was a phone number written on a scrap piece of paper. He said, “Call this number when you get back to the United States.” I asked him if we would be able to handle this over the phone, he said, “depends.” Then he left. I turned and headed to the door and sure enough, my phone was still in the bushes. I thanked the non-smiling guard.
Sloppy Joe’s Bar was packed so we went to an Irish pub about three doors down where we enjoyed drinking Irish beer. We walked to the Southern Most Point Park for a picture taking session with Charley in front of the monument.
We continued our tour of the area ending up at Fogerty’s and enjoyed an excellent meal. Later that day we walked to Mallory Park for the famous sunset watching, which is a local custom with hundreds of people milling around. Now that large cruise ships are coming into this area, they are required to be gone by sunset or early evening in order for this local tradition to continue. Today, just happens to be Fat Tuesday, so everyone is celebrating. Check out the picture of Charley made with the store models.
We lost Mike in the melee and we are still not sure where he went. We never saw him again until we got back to the boat. We had dinner at Schooner’s, a unique restaurant reminiscent of old key west, were dogs and roosters have the run of the place and you always see a strange cast of characters hanging out. Wannabe Pirates, I mean guys with patches on their eyes, parrots hanging out, dogs begging for food, and of course your interesting tourists are visible everywhere. Afterwards, we walked around looking at all the old ships until we arrived back at our marina. 
We departed Key West around 8:00 am the next morning in route to Marathon, about 60 miles, which makes for a pretty long day of sailing. As we headed northeast out to Hawk Channel, the wind was “on the nose” so we couldn’t sail. But it was a beautiful, warm day and we enjoyed the ride as well as the fighter jets flying overhead fairly low. Finally we pulled in to a slip at Marathon Marina around 5:00 pm. I wanted to make contact with Frank and Barbara, a couple we were trying to catch up with while in the Exumas, before they left Boot Key Harbor the next day. Hastily, I put the dinghy in the water to take off to Boot Key harbor; the sun was setting and getting late. As I was approaching the bridge, the Florida water patrol flagged me down, and told me I was speeding in my dinghy. They wanted to see my registration numbers, which I didn’t have; wanted to see my drivers’ licenses, which I didn’t have; but, I did have my personal floatation device and my orange whistle! They let me slide. As I entered Boot Key Harbor, I saw over two hundred sailboats, so the changes of me finding one particular sailboat in the dark was not good, so I returned to Little Wing. The guys decided to go to Frosty’s for dinner, which is a restaurant in walking distance to the marina.
Our arrangements for the next day were for Charley to get the rental car and Mike and Ken would help me get anchored in Boot Key Harbor because there were no available moorings. After we anchored, I took the guys into the dock at City Marina to meet Charley with the rental car for their trip to Gulf Shores. While there, I put Little Wing on the list for a mooring ball.
My crew and I shared a lot of jokes and tales and I truly enjoyed the comradely for the last 10 days with them. Judy and I are grateful to them for accepting the invitation to sail to Marathon with me so she could stay in Alabama and attend her grandson’s 1st Birthday party. Thanks Guys!
I located Frank and Barb later in the morning and found they put their departure off one day because of the weather. He was able to assist me with the mooring ball late Thursday and we spent a little time looking at charts and discussing our journey. Friday, they departed and I started deep cleaning the boat, defrosting the freezer, cleaning the head, etc. for Judy’s arrival on Tuesday. Saturday, I got off the boat and walked to Publix and Boaters World to get a little exercise and some provisions. Sunday, a cold front came through with high winds, but there was no problem in the marina. I continued working on projects until Judy arrived Tuesday.
My(Judy) trip to Marathon.
I departed Birmingham for Gulf Shores on Sunday afternoon, as soon as Catherine, Josh, and Jacob left Emily’s for Memphis. Snow was still on the ground, but the roads were clear, making the trip south more enjoyable. I had much to do to get packed and ready to fly to Miami on Tuesday.
The flight to Miami and the two hour drive to Marathon were uneventful. I stopped at the local Papa’s Pizza in Marathon for our dinner, before arriving to the City Marina, where Steve would meet me at the dinghy dock. We enjoyed the sunset, one of many we would watch while waiting for the right weather window to make the Gulf Stream crossing. Plans were made to get provisions at Publix the next morning, before I took the rental car back to the local airport.
Boot Key Harbor, formerly the heart of the city’s commercial fishing industry, is the largest mooring field in the country, with 226 mooring balls.
The mooring community offers valuable amenities; free Internet access, laundry facilities, free dinghy dockage, West Marine, Boaters World, boat repair shops and grocery shopping in walking distance; free pump out, tennis courts, restaurants on the water, and a friendly community of boaters. Each morning at 9:00 am on Channel 68, the Cruiser’s Net broadcast includes a weather forecast, new arrivals and departing boaters, announcements, comments, questions, help and trivia. It is quite entertaining in the morning. It is like “Craigslist” on the radio. This is a friendly community of boaters offering to assist others in all types of matters.
Based on the long range weather forecast, we were not expecting to get out of Boot Key until next week at the latest. The easterly winds were blowing pretty hard, the temperature was chilly both day and night and no one was venturing out in the Gulf Stream. I spent the time lazing around reading and helping Steve with a few projects on the boat. The generator was not operating as it should so Steve had a repair guy out to diagnosis the problem. We thought it was repaired but after running it for the first time, the problem still existed. Steve decided to wait until we meet up with Frank since he is an experienced mechanic. We spent one day walking to West Marine then on to Castaways and Burdines, which is probably 3 miles one way from the boat. Of course, we needed the exercise after sitting around on the boat for so long.
Plans were to ride the dinghy to Castaways on Sunday night for dinner. Since the time changes on Saturday night, we would have enough time to eat an early dinner and get back to the boat before dark, as we did not have a light on the dinghy. On the ride to the restaurant, we encountered the patrol boat again. Several days ago, we lost one of our plates that had the dinghy registration numbers and decal sticker, in the dinghy docks at City Marina. Steve thought he could retrieve it with a long boaters hook and net but found out from the marine dockmaster that the water was over 30 feet deep. Steve took the other plate off and laid it in the bottom of the dinghy so we wouldn’t lose it too. I am sure the water patrol would love to give us a ticket for lack of registration! Back to the water patrolman. When we first saw him, Steve immediately gave me the plate and I hand-held it to the side of the dinghy hoping he had not seen my sly move. He slowly rode close by, I waved with my other hand (my Miss America wave and gave him a big smile) and he passed without stopping. Another day in paradise!
We spent one of our afternoons waiting to do one load of laundry in the City Marina laundry facility. The marina office is one big room, much like a large airplane hanger, with a 20 foot plus ceiling. This room includes; two TV watching stations, an Internet station, a library with shelves of books for you to “borrow,” a buddy boat board for boaters to sign up stating where they are headed so you can contact each other and travel together, the official marina office, pamphlets and travel guides everywhere, and tables for you to play scrabble, chess, or other board games.
Why we chose Monday to do the laundry; never again! There are three washing machines and four dryers. You purchase a card, much like a credit card, with the amount you wish to spend based on your laundry needs. Wash $2, dry $1. When we arrived there was already a line for the washing machines. The unstated order or “your turn” is to line up your washing and wait until the person in front of you has finished. Unfortunately, the person in front of us had a large cart that was overflowing with dirty clothes. I knew we would be there for a long time. She had at least 3 loads. I sat at the Internet table checking emails while Steve watched the laundry line. One young guy comes bounding in with his tiny laundry basket thinking he is just going to sit it down in front of a washing machine and skip the waiting line. Steve alerts me and I take over the watch! Once the lady with the large cart is finished loading her last load, I keep my eyes on the young guy for his first move. He isn’t going to get a head of us! Now, we have been waiting over two hours for the washing machine. When the 45 minute wash cycle is down to 3 minutes, I get up and move over to our laundry bag and move it to the front of the machine that is almost finished. The young guy gets up also and comes over to inspect what I am doing. I casually make mention that I have been waiting for over two hours and that I saw him come in with only a small load, knowing that it would be a long wait for him as it has been for me. Luckily, we both only had one load and he knew that another wash was almost over. When I returned to the table where Steve was sitting, he said he hoped that I was not going to get into a fight with the guy over the washing machines. Everything was cool. My only mistake was putting the dryer money in the upper machine instead of the lower machine where my clothes were. When the lady with clothes in the upper machine realized this mistake she kindly removed her clothes so I could swap my clothes to where I had paid. (She said her cycle only had 2 minutes the last time she looked.) Life in the laundry room! So much pressure!!!!! Another 45 minutes and we were ready to head back to the boat for our afternoon sunset sundowner. I needed it!
We hear on the Cruiser’s Net of an Island Packet boat owners’ gathering at the Dock Side Restaurant for lunch Tuesday so Steve adds it to our “busy” calendar of events for the week! Each day we Steve looked at the weather forecast and would postpone the departure another. We are looking for southeasterly winds for our sail up the Atlantic coast to Rodriguez Cay then possibly on to Angel Fish Creek before to made the Gulf Stream Crossing.
Steve decided to depart tomorrow, Thursday, March 12, for Rodriguez Key.